Organizing a film festival is always a challenge, both for the organizers and the coordinators.

We would like to bring to your attention our company’s diverse services, which can assist you and your staff with planning and executing a film festival. With over a decade of experience, we undertake:

  • Acquisition of screening rights,
  • Acquisition of the necessary screening copies,
  • Language localization of the screening materials,
  • Delivery of the finished screening copies to the festival venues.

The management of screening rights, licenses and keys, and contact with foreign distributors:
We acquire the screening rights of films from foreign distributors, and, in consultation with the client, we negotiate the terms and fees of the screening rights.

Acquisition of screening copies:
We acquire the film’s screening copy and the auxiliary materials required for language localization (DKDM keys, scripts, screeners).

Language localization of copies:
With the help of our recognized, professional translators, we prepare meticulous translations from English, German, Spanish, Catalan, and French, which we edit into subtitles to ensure the comprehensibility and interpretability of the text.
We also undertake the creation of multi-level, multilingual, multicolor subtitles. If necessary, we offer professional and native language proofreading.

We have extensive experience in creating subtitles specifically for the deaf or hard-of-hearing, and we can involve relevant experts in their production.

E-logistics of copies:
In addition to our own CineTransfer service, we have contracts with several digital e-delivery platforms, so the completed festival copy is delivered according to the requirements and equipment of the screening venue. 

If you are interested, please contact us!

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